Senior Fellow,
As of 2007, Christoph von der Malsburg is Senior Fellow at FIAS. He received his PhD in physics from the University of Heidelberg, Germany for work done at CERN, Geneva. Subsequently, he joined the Section of Neurobiology of the MPI for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen before becoming Professor of Computer Science, Neuroscience, Physics and Psychology at the USC in Los Angeles. In 1990 he took on the additional position as Professor of Systems Biophysics at Ruhr University, Bochum, where he founded the Institut für Neuroinformatik (together with Prof. Werner von Seelen).
In 1997, he co-founded the company ZN Vision, now called L 1 Identity Solutions AG, Bochum, and the company Eyematic, Los Angeles, the core of which is now part of Google. Both companies were based on his vision technology.
He is recognized as pioneer in the field of computational neuroscience, is Fellow of the INNS, Founder and Member of the Board of Mindfire Global, Member of the Advisory Board of Global Shapers Frankfurt and Member of the Advisory Board of European HBP.
He has received numerous prestigious awards, among them the IEEE Pioneer Award, Beckurts Foundation Award, Körber European Science Prize, Hebb Award.
Selected Talks
“Wenn die Maschinen immer klüger werden: Was macht uns zukünftig noch einzigartig?”
at M.E.G.-Jahrestagung, Bad Kissingen, 2020/03/19 (German)
“Wann wird Künstliche Intelligenz in der Immobilienwirtschaft zur Selbstverständlichkeit?”
at QUO VADIS 2020, Berlin, 2020/02/12 (German)
“Das Gehirn als Nährboden des Geistes – The Brain as the Minds Fertile Soil”
at 13th Swiss Biennial on Science, Technics + Aesthetics, Luzern, 2020/01/18 (German)
“Was sagt uns die Hirnforschung über den Menschen?”
at D4, Luzern, 2020/01/20 (German)
“Was kann künstliche Intelligenz heute – und in Zukunft?”
at Pro Nordhessen-Herbstevent, Kassel, 2019/11/27 (German)
“Künstliche Intelligenz – Wenn Blechkisten klüger werden als Menschen”
at Hermes Dinner der Akademischen Gesellschaft, Porsche, Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, 2019/11/21 (Deutsch)
“AI beyond Deep Learning”
at AI for Science, Frankfurt, 2019/11/18 (English)
“Artificial Intelligence Beyond Deep Learning”
at AI2future, Zagreb, 2019/10/10 (English)
“Elektronische Organismen”
at Zukunftswerkstatt, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, 2019/09/24 (German)
“Künstliche Intelligenz: Worum geht´s”
at Denkbar, Frankfurt, 2019/08/19 (German)
“Artificial Intelligence Beyond Deep Learning”
at Digital Leadership Convention, Hannover, 2019/06/13 (English)
“Mensch 3.0”
at EXPLAINED Digitalkonferenz, Berlin, 2019/05/28 (German)
“Geist im Computer? – Von künstlicher Intelligenz zu autonomen Organismen”
at “Vom Reiz der Sinne”, KORTIZES, Nürnberg, 2019/04/02
“Künstliche Intelligenz. Wie die Digitalisierung nicht nur den Arbeitsmarkt bedroht”
at bilderhaus Gschwend, 2019/03/13 (German)
“AI beyond Deep Learning”
at AI Meetup, Frankfurt, 2019/02/28 (English)
“Was bedeutet künstliche Intelligenz und müssen wir sie fürchten?”
at Goethe Universität, FmF, 2019/02/20 (German)
“Der Weg zu Bewusstsein im Computer”
at Fraunhofer-Zentrum Kaiserslautern, 2019/01/22 (German)
“Ethical and Legal Aspects of AI”
at Artificial Intelligence – International Research and Applications: 1st Japanese-German-French DWIH Symposium Tokyo, 2018/11/21 (English)
“Was bedeutet Schmerz aus der Perspektive eines neuen Bildes unseres Inneren?”
at Deutscher Schmerzkongress Mannheim, 2018/10/19 (German)
“Vision as Inverted Computer Graphics”
at YITU Shanghai, 2018/09/19 (English)
“The Pathway to Autonomous Intelligence”
at WAIC Shanghai, 2018/09/18 (English)
“The Challenge of Sentient Robots”
at CAIS Bochum, 2018/09/07 (English)
“The Neural Code: Gateway to understanding Brain and Mind”
at TUM München, 2018/07/05 (English)
“What does it take to make AI understand the world?”
at Machine Intelligence Summit, Berlin, 2018/06/21 (English)
“Ethik der Algorithmen”
at Wissensmagazin scobel, 2018/05/24 (German)
“Daedalus or Icarus? –The Promise and Peril of Recreating the Human Experience”
at Aspen AI Conference, Berlin, 2018/03/15 (English)
“The Dynamic Link Architecture”
at NICE Workshop 2018, Portland, 2018/02/28 (English)
“The state of AI in a nutshell: Why we need a different approach to crack the brain code”
at ETH Pavillon, Davos, 2018/01/23 (English)
“Künstliche Intelligenz: Was fehlt ihr zum Durchbruch?”
at HBP Innovation Day, Garching, 2017/12/15 (German)
“The Neural Code at the Base of Perception, Action and Cognition”
at 2017 International Symposium on Perception, Action and Cognitive Systems, Seoul, 2017/11/2 (English)
“AI – die nächste Generation. Wie können zukünftige intelligente Organismen in unser Rechtssystem integriert werden?”
at LEGAL ®EVOLUTION, Frankfurt, 2017/10/24 (German)
“Human vs. Artificial Intelligence”
at 5th Annual Human Brain Project Summit 2017, Glasgow, 2017/10/20 (English)
“History and Future of AI”
at 2017 EyeEm Photography Festival & Awards, Berlin, 2017/09/16 (English)
“Beyond Deep Learning”
at Machine Intelligence Summit 2017, Berlin, 2017/07/14 (English)
“Die Zeit ist reif für künstliche Intelligenz!”
at Night of Science, Goethe University Frankfurt, 2017/06/09 (German)
“General Artificial Intelligence Needs A New Approach”
at LDV Vision Summit 2017, New York, 2017/05/24 (English)
“How I plan to revolutionise artificial intelligence by capitalising on decades of scientific research”
at SIU Frankfurt, Goethe University Frankfurt, 2017/05/17 (English)
“AI´s Bumpy Road and its Glorious Future”
at Rise of AI, Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, 2017/05/11 (English)
at “Der Patient als Mittel…(punkt)”, Symposium der Neurochirurgischen Klinik und Ambulanz, Sana Klinikum, Offenbach, 2017/02/18 (German)
“The Neural Code Issue”
at Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, University of California, Berkeley 2017/02/09 (English)
“Welchen Fortschritt wollen wir?”
at Thementage: Digitale Welten, Schauspiel, Frankfurt am Main, 2016 (German)
Selected Videos
“Christoph von der Malsburg bei SWR1 Leute”
at SWR1, 2019/03/13 (German)
“Ethik der Algorithmen”
at scobel, 3sat, 2018/05/24 (German)
“Mindfire Mission-1”
at Mindfire Mission, Davos, 2018/05/12-16 (English)
“Beyond Deep Learning”
at Machine Intelligence Summit 2017, Berlin, 2017/07/14 (English)
“Die Zeit ist reif für künstliche Intelligenz!”
at Night of Science, Goethe University Frankfurt, 2017/06/09 (German)
“General Artificial Intelligence Needs A New Approach”
at LDV Vision Summit 2017, New York, 2017/05/24 (English)
“AI´s Bumpy Road and its Glorious Future”
at Rise of AI 2017, Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, 2017/05/11 (English)
at WDR Computerclub, 1995 (German) (10:49-14:43)
Selected Papers
E. Margalit, I. Biederman, S. Herald, X. Yue, and C. von der Malsburg. An applet for the Gabor similarity scaling of the differences between complex stimuli. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 78, 2298-2306, 2016. (English)
C. von der Malsburg. Künstliche Intelligenz. In Matthias Eckoldt: Kann das Gehirn das Gehirn verstehen? Gespräche über Hirnforschung und die Grenzen unserer Erkenntnis, 2013. (German)
T. Fernandes and C. von der Malsburg. Self-Organization of Control Circuits for Invariant Fiber Projections. Neural Computation 27, 1005-1032, 2015. (English)
C. von der Malsburg. A Vision Architecture. Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications NCTA, 345-350, 2014. (English)
C. von der Malsburg. Am I Thinking Assemblies?, In G. Palm and A. Aertsen, editors, Proceedings of the Trieste Meeting on Brain Theory, October 1984, pages 161-176, 1986. (English)
Press (selected)
TÜV NORD: “Was kann künstliche Intelligenz?”, 2019/09/19 (German)
hr2 – der Tag: “Mein ist Dein ganzes Herz – Die Zukunft des Abhörens”, 2019/08/12 (German)
heise online: “Autonome künstliche Intelligenzen: Echte KI braucht Kreativität im Computer”, 2019/05/29 (German)
idalab: “AI Beyond Pattern Recognition”, 2019/04/13 (English)
WDR5: “Was halten Sie von Künstlicher Intelligenz”, WDR 5 Tagesgespräch, 2019/03/19 (German)
Rundschau für den Schwäbischen Wald: “Wenn Roboter das Sagen haben”, 2019/03/16 (German)
Gmünder Tagespost: “Ein Professor im Panikmodus”, 2019/03/16 (German)
FAZ: Gesucht: Vorbilder für kluge Automaten, 2019/03/12 (German)
Welt.de: Die Jury des Deutschen KI-Preises, 2019/02/08 (German)
General-Anzeiger: Schaltzentrale à la Mutter Natur, 2018/11/28 (German)
Wissenschaftsjahr 2018: “Künstliche Intelligenz und Massengesellschaft”, 2018 (German)
Davoser Zeitung: “Ist hier ein ‘World Intelligence Forum’ im Entstehen?”, 2018 (German)
Die Zeit: Was macht uns künftig noch einzigartig?, 2018 (German)
Deutschlandradio Kultur: Matthias Eckoldt: Was ist Bewusstsein? Gespräche über Hirnforschung und die Grenzen der Erkenntnis, 2014 (German)
NeuroNation: Das „Manifest der Hirnforscher“ – Was ist Wunsch, was Wirklichkeit?, 2014 (German)
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Joachim Müller-Jung: Weltwissen für die Rechner, 2008 (German)
Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe: Gehirn und Geist – Schauplatz für einen Kampf der Kulturen?, 2005 (German)
Körber-Stiftung. Forum für Impulse: Körber-Preis für die Europäische Wissenschaft 2000: Gestaltwahrnehmung in der Technik mit Erkenntnissen aus der Natur, 2000 (German)
bild der Wissenschaft: Wolfgang Blum: Der Spätberufene, 1999 (German)
Der Spiegel: Neuronale Netze und der Gleichtakt der Nervenzellen. „Lernen, wie Geist funktioniert“, 1992 (German)

Christoph v.d. Malsburg
Founder, Platonite
Senior Fellow, FIAS
Christoph von der Malsburg
As of 2007, Christoph von der Malsburg is Senior Fellow at FIAS. He received his PhD in physics from the University of Heidelberg, Germany for work done at CERN, Geneva. Subsequently, he joined the Section of Neurobiology of the MPI for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen before becoming Professor of Computer Science, Neuroscience, Physics and Psychology at the USC in Los Angeles. In 1990 he took on the additional position as Professor of Systems Biophysics at Ruhr University, Bochum, where he founded the Institut für Neuroinformatik (together with Prof. Werner von Seelen).
In 1997, he co-founded the company ZN Vision, now called L 1 Identity Solutions AG, Bochum, and the company Eyematic, Los Angeles, the core of which is now part of Google. Both companies were based on his vision technology.
He is recognized as pioneer in the field of computational neuroscience, is Fellow of the INNS, Founder and Member of the Board of Mindfire Global, Member of the Advisory Board of Global Shapers Frankfurt and Member of the Advisory Board of European HBP.
He has received numerous prestigious awards, among them the IEEE Pioneer Award, Beckurts Foundation Award, Körber European Science Prize, Hebb Award.

Selected Talks
“Wenn die Maschinen immer klüger werden: Was macht uns zukünftig noch einzigartig?”
at M.E.G.-Jahrestagung, Bad Kissingen, 2020/03/19 (German)
“Wann wird Künstliche Intelligenz in der Immobilienwirtschaft zur Selbstverständlichkeit?”
at QUO VADIS 2020, Berlin, 2020/02/12 (German)
“Das Gehirn als Nährboden des Geistes – The Brain as the Minds Fertile Soil”
at 13th Swiss Biennial on Science, Technics + Aesthetics, Luzern, 2020/01/18 (German)
“Was sagt uns die Hirnforschung über den Menschen?”
at D4, Luzern, 2020/01/20 (German)
“Was kann künstliche Intelligenz heute – und in Zukunft?”
at Pro Nordhessen-Herbstevent, Kassel, 2019/11/27 (German)
“Künstliche Intelligenz – Wenn Blechkisten klüger werden als Menschen”
at Hermes Dinner der Akademischen Gesellschaft, Porsche, Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, 2019/11/21 (Deutsch)
“AI beyond Deep Learning”
at AI for Science, Frankfurt, 2019/11/18 (English)
“Artificial Intelligence Beyond Deep Learning”
at AI2future, Zagreb, 2019/10/10 (English)
“Elektronische Organismen”
at Zukunftswerkstatt, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, 2019/09/24 (German)
“Künstliche Intelligenz: Worum geht´s”
at Denkbar, Frankfurt, 2019/08/19 (German)
“Artificial Intelligence Beyond Deep Learning”
at Digital Leadership Convention, Hannover, 2019/06/13 (English)
“Mensch 3.0”
at EXPLAINED Digitalkonferenz, Berlin, 2019/05/28 (German)
“Geist im Computer? – Von künstlicher Intelligenz zu autonomen Organismen”
at “Vom Reiz der Sinne”, KORTIZES, Nürnberg, 2019/04/02
“Künstliche Intelligenz. Wie die Digitalisierung nicht nur den Arbeitsmarkt bedroht”
at bilderhaus Gschwend, 2019/03/13 (German)
“AI beyond Deep Learning”
at AI Meetup, Frankfurt, 2019/02/28 (English)
“Was bedeutet künstliche Intelligenz und müssen wir sie fürchten?”
at Goethe Universität, FmF, 2019/02/20 (German)
“Der Weg zu Bewusstsein im Computer”
at Fraunhofer-Zentrum Kaiserslautern, 2019/01/22 (German)
“Ethical and Legal Aspects of AI”
at Artificial Intelligence – International Research and Applications: 1st Japanese-German-French DWIH Symposium Tokyo, 2018/11/21 (English)
“Was bedeutet Schmerz aus der Perspektive eines neuen Bildes unseres Inneren?”
at Deutscher Schmerzkongress Mannheim, 2018/10/19 (German)
“Vision as Inverted Computer Graphics”
at YITU Shanghai, 2018/09/19 (English)
“The Pathway to Autonomous Intelligence”
at WAIC Shanghai, 2018/09/18 (English)
“The Challenge of Sentient Robots”
at CAIS Bochum, 2018/09/07 (English)
“The Neural Code: Gateway to understanding Brain and Mind”
at TUM München, 2018/07/05 (English)
“What does it take to make AI understand the world?”
at Machine Intelligence Summit, Berlin, 2018/06/21 (English)
“Ethik der Algorithmen”
at Wissensmagazin scobel, 2018/05/24 (German)
“Daedalus or Icarus? –The Promise and Peril of Recreating the Human Experience”
at Aspen AI Conference, Berlin, 2018/03/15 (English)
“The Dynamic Link Architecture”
at NICE Workshop 2018, Portland, 2018/02/28 (English)
“The state of AI in a nutshell: Why we need a different approach to crack the brain code”
at ETH Pavillon, Davos, 2018/01/23 (English)
“Künstliche Intelligenz: Was fehlt ihr zum Durchbruch?”
at HBP Innovation Day, Garching, 2017/12/15 (German)
“The Neural Code at the Base of Perception, Action and Cognition”
at 2017 International Symposium on Perception, Action and Cognitive Systems, Seoul, 2017/11/2 (English)
“AI – die nächste Generation. Wie können zukünftige intelligente Organismen in unser Rechtssystem integriert werden?”
at LEGAL ®EVOLUTION, Frankfurt, 2017/10/24 (German)
“Human vs. Artificial Intelligence”
at 5th Annual Human Brain Project Summit 2017, Glasgow, 2017/10/20 (English)
“History and Future of AI”
at 2017 EyeEm Photography Festival & Awards, Berlin, 2017/09/16 (English)
“Beyond Deep Learning”
at Machine Intelligence Summit 2017, Berlin, 2017/07/14 (English)
“Die Zeit ist reif für künstliche Intelligenz!”
at Night of Science, Goethe University Frankfurt, 2017/06/09 (German)
“General Artificial Intelligence Needs A New Approach”
at LDV Vision Summit 2017, New York, 2017/05/24 (English)
“How I plan to revolutionise artificial intelligence by capitalising on decades of scientific research”
at SIU Frankfurt, Goethe University Frankfurt, 2017/05/17 (English)
“AI´s Bumpy Road and its Glorious Future”
at Rise of AI, Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, 2017/05/11 (English)
at “Der Patient als Mittel…(punkt)”, Symposium der Neurochirurgischen Klinik und Ambulanz, Sana Klinikum, Offenbach, 2017/02/18 (German)
“The Neural Code Issue”
at Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, University of California, Berkeley 2017/02/09 (English)
“Welchen Fortschritt wollen wir?”
at Thementage: Digitale Welten, Schauspiel, Frankfurt am Main, 2016 (German)
Selected Videos
“Christoph von der Malsburg bei SWR1 Leute”
at SWR1, 2019/03/13 (German)
“Ethik der Algorithmen”
at scobel, 3sat, 2018/05/24 (German)
“Mindfire Mission-1”
at Mindfire Mission, Davos, 2018/05/12-16 (English)
“Beyond Deep Learning”
at Machine Intelligence Summit 2017, Berlin, 2017/07/14 (English)
“Die Zeit ist reif für künstliche Intelligenz!”
at Night of Science, Goethe University Frankfurt, 2017/06/09 (German)
“General Artificial Intelligence Needs A New Approach”
at LDV Vision Summit 2017, New York, 2017/05/24 (English)
“AI´s Bumpy Road and its Glorious Future”
at Rise of AI 2017, Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, 2017/05/11 (English)
at WDR Computerclub, 1995 (German) (10:49-14:43)
Selected Papers
E. Margalit, I. Biederman, S. Herald, X. Yue, and C. von der Malsburg. An applet for the Gabor similarity scaling of the differences between complex stimuli. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 78, 2298-2306, 2016. (English)
C. von der Malsburg. Künstliche Intelligenz. In Matthias Eckoldt: Kann das Gehirn das Gehirn verstehen? Gespräche über Hirnforschung und die Grenzen unserer Erkenntnis, 2013. (German)
T. Fernandes and C. von der Malsburg. Self-Organization of Control Circuits for Invariant Fiber Projections. Neural Computation 27, 1005-1032, 2015. (English)
C. von der Malsburg. A Vision Architecture. Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications NCTA, 345-350, 2014. (English)
C. von der Malsburg. Am I Thinking Assemblies?, In G. Palm and A. Aertsen, editors, Proceedings of the Trieste Meeting on Brain Theory, October 1984, pages 161-176, 1986. (English)
Press (selected)
TÜV NORD: “Was kann künstliche Intelligenz?”, 2019/09/19 (German)
hr2 – der Tag: “Mein ist Dein ganzes Herz – Die Zukunft des Abhörens”, 2019/08/12 (German)
heise online: “Autonome künstliche Intelligenzen: Echte KI braucht Kreativität im Computer”, 2019/05/29 (German)
idalab: “AI Beyond Pattern Recognition”, 2019/04/13 (English)
WDR5: “Was halten Sie von Künstlicher Intelligenz”, WDR 5 Tagesgespräch, 2019/03/19 (German)
Rundschau für den Schwäbischen Wald: “Wenn Roboter das Sagen haben”, 2019/03/16 (German)
Gmünder Tagespost: “Ein Professor im Panikmodus”, 2019/03/16 (German)
FAZ: Gesucht: Vorbilder für kluge Automaten, 2019/03/12 (German)
Welt.de: Die Jury des Deutschen KI-Preises, 2019/02/08 (German)
General-Anzeiger: Schaltzentrale à la Mutter Natur, 2018/11/28 (German)
Wissenschaftsjahr 2018: “Künstliche Intelligenz und Massengesellschaft”, 2018 (German)
Davoser Zeitung: “Ist hier ein ‘World Intelligence Forum’ im Entstehen?”, 2018 (German)
Die Zeit: Was macht uns künftig noch einzigartig?, 2018 (German)
Deutschlandradio Kultur: Matthias Eckoldt: Was ist Bewusstsein? Gespräche über Hirnforschung und die Grenzen der Erkenntnis, 2014 (German)
NeuroNation: Das „Manifest der Hirnforscher“ – Was ist Wunsch, was Wirklichkeit?, 2014 (German)
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Joachim Müller-Jung: Weltwissen für die Rechner, 2008 (German)
Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe: Gehirn und Geist – Schauplatz für einen Kampf der Kulturen?, 2005 (German)
Körber-Stiftung. Forum für Impulse: Körber-Preis für die Europäische Wissenschaft 2000: Gestaltwahrnehmung in der Technik mit Erkenntnissen aus der Natur, 2000 (German)
bild der Wissenschaft: Wolfgang Blum: Der Spätberufene, 1999 (German)
Der Spiegel: Neuronale Netze und der Gleichtakt der Nervenzellen. „Lernen, wie Geist funktioniert“, 1992 (German)

Dan Hammerstrom
Portland State University
(former DARPA Program Director)
Dan Hammerstrom
Dan Hammerstrom received a BSEE degree from Montana State University, the MSEE degree from Stanford University, and the PhD EE degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He was an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at Cornell University from 1977 to 1980. In 1980 he joined Intel in Oregon, where he participated in the development and implementation of the iAPX-432, the i960, and iWarp. He joined the faculty of the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the Oregon Graduate Center in 1985 as an Associate Professor. In 1988 he founded Adaptive Solutions, Inc., which specialized in high performance silicon technology (the CNAPS chip set) for image processing, neural network emulation, and pattern recognition. He returned to the Oregon Graduate Institute in 1997, where he was the Doug Strain Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department. He joined Portland State University in 2005 as Associate Dean for Research in the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science and Professor in the Electrical and Computer Enginering Department. From 2012 to 2016 Dr. Hammerstrom was a Program Manager in the Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) at DARPA.
He is now a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Portland State. Dr. Hammerstrom holds a joint appointment in the IDE (Information, Computation, and Electronics) Department at Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden.
Dr. Hammerstrom is a Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and has been an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, the Journal of the International Neural Network Society (INNS), and the International Journal of Neural Networks.
He has authored over seventy research papers and eight book chapters, and holds seven patents. Dr. Hammerstrom has been a Visiting Scientist at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden and the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View California.

Rodney Douglas
INI, Zürich,
former Director
Rodney Douglas
He is Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Neuroinformatics of the Swiss Federal Institute and the University of Zurich. He graduated in Medicine and Neuroscience at the University of Cape Town before moving to the MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit in Oxford to research the anatomy and biophysics of the neuronal circuitry of cerebral cortex.
As Visiting Associate, and then Visiting Professor at Caltech, he extended his interests in neural computation by simulation of neocortical circuits, and also by their emulation as neuromorphic electronic systems. In 1996 he and Kevan Martin established the Institute of Neuroinformatics in Zurich. He is a co-founder of the neurotechnology spinoff ‘iniLabs’.

Elie Bienenstock
Brown University,
Associate Professor
Elie Bienenstock
He received an M.Sc. degree in mathematics from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1975, a Diploma in engineering from the ENST in Paris in 1977, and a Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Brown University in 1980. From 1980 to June 1991, he was a researcher with the French CNRS in Paris. He has been at Brown University since 1991, as a visiting professor until 2000, and then as an associate professor of applied mathematics and neuroscience.
His research interests lie in theoretical neuroscience, computational vision, and computational linguistics. He studies the mechanisms used by brains to create and work with complex, detailed, hierarchical representations of the external world.

Bruno Olshausen
Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, UC Berkeley
Bruno Olshausen
Olshausen is Professor of Neuroscience and Optometry and Director of the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at UC Berkeley. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in Computation and Neural Systems from the California Institute of Technology. He did his postdoctoral work in the Department of Psychology at Cornell University and at the Center for Biological and Computational Learning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Olshausen’s research aims to understand the information processing strategies employed by the brain for doing tasks such as object recognition and scene analysis.

Anthony Lewis
Research Director
M. Anthony Lewis
He is an expert in bioinspired robotics, neuromorphic engineering, machine learning and computer vision. His interests also include applying deep learning to financial markets (market trading guided by broad economic factors). He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California.

Gabriele Peters
Head of Human-Computer Interaction,
University of Hagen
Gabriele Peters
She studied Mathematics with minor subject Psychology at Ruhr-Universität Bochum and received her diploma degree in Mathematics in 1996. Since 2010 she is a full professor for computer science at the University of Hagen and heads the Chair for Human-Computer Interaction. Her research interests include interactive systems, computer vision, image & scene synthesis, cognitive systems, computational neuroscience, new media art, and machine consciousness.
For her work on the perception of 3D objects at the Institute for Neural Computation at Ruhr-Universität Bochum she received the doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) from the Faculty of Technology of Bielefeld University in 2002. After that she worked on computer vision, computer graphics, intelligent systems, and machine learning for vision applications as a postdoctoral research assistant at the Chair of Computer Graphics of TU Dortmund University.
During two stays in 2004 and 2005 as a visiting professor in the Computational Vision Group at the California Intitute of Technology in Pasadena she collaborated in the development of new techniques for the generation of photo panoramas.
In 2007 she took over a position as a research professor at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, where she headed the Visual Computing Group until 2010. She serves as reviewer for international conferences, journals, and research funding organisations and is involved in numerous committees and boards.
She is author or coauthor of almost 100 scientific publications. Besides her scientific work Gabriele Peters is active since 20 years as photographer as well, with numerous participations in national and international exhibitions.

Pascal Weinberger
Telefonica Alpha
He has used most of his time and focus so far to dive deep in the field of computational Neuroscience and Machine-Learning, with the long term goal of bringing these two worlds closer together, e.g. rebuilding the algorithms of the neocortex, while on the way leaving his footprint with global impact projects which are leveraging the immensely growing power of technology and data.
He has done multiple research projects together with renowned institutes like the DFKI and the Max-Plank Institute of Neuroscience. After joining Numenta in early 2014, he worked with Google[x] in the Brain Group on a couple of R&D projects in this space. After having led his own R&D Strategy and Implementation Consulting firm, he has now joined Telefonica Alpha as a to build Moonshot projects, while still actively investing and advising Startups. He is also Leader for Kariossociety and engaged with Endeavour.

Avery Wang
Shazam Entertainment,
Founder and Chief Scientist
Avery Wang
He has over 20 years of industry experience designing high-performance multimedia signal processing systems for the consumer market and is the principal inventor of Shazam’s recognition algorithms and other key technologies. Avery holds graduate degrees in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics from Stanford University, with a PhD at CCRMA on Auditory Source Separation. He also studied Computational Neurosciences on a Fulbright scholarship to Germany.

Theodor Baums
Institute of Law and Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
Theodor Baums
Theodor Baums J.D., Bonn 1975; LL.D. Bonn, 1980; habilitation, Bonn, 1985; qualification as a taxation lawyer 1978. Assistant professor at the Institute for Business Law, University of Bonn, 1977-1985; professor at the University of Muenster 1986-1987; visiting professor at U.C. Berkeley, 1990-1991, at the University of Vienna, 1992, at Stanford CA, 1995, and at Columbia/New York in 1999.
In 1987, he joined the faculty of the School of Law of the University of Osnabrueck/Germany where he has founded the Institute for Business Law in 1992. From 2000 until 2006 he was the director of the Institute for Banking Law at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main and has founded the Institute for Law and Finance where he now serves as a member of the executive board. From 2006 until 2011 he had the endowed chair for Civil and Business Law at the ILF. From 2013 until 2015 he was senior professor at the Faculty of Law at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main. Since 2008 he is associated professor at the University of Luxembourg, since 2014 Member of the Advisory Committee at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance. Since 2015 he is distinguished fellow at the Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS).
Theodor Baums has worked as an advisor to the World Bank in 1992-1995. Prof. Baums has in the last years frequently advised the German Federal Parliament on questions concerning company and securities market regulation and was a member of the Federal Government`s commission on takeover regulation 1999-2000. Until July 2001 he served as the chairman of the Federal Government´s Commission on Corporate Governance and Company Law Reform.
He was a member of the advisory board of the German Capital Markets Supervisory Agency; advisor on corporate governance issues to the Vorstand of the Deutsche Bundesbank; member of the advisory board of the EC Commission on company law; member of the European Model Company Law Group. He is a member of the German Corporate Governance Code and member of several advisory boards of private companies, of national and international scientific societies, fellow of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) in Brussels and editor of several scientific journals. Since 2017 he is Of Counsel at SZA Schilling, Zutt and Anschütz.
Theodor Baums has given numerous lectureships in Europe and in the U.S. Areas of current scholarly interest are corporate governance, corporate finance and capital markets. He has more than 140 books and articles on corporations, civil and antitrust law. He has been awarded the Order of Merit 1st class of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2006 and Dr. Michael Endres Prize of the Hertie School of Governance in 2017.

He is Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Neuroinformatics of the Swiss Federal Institute and the University of Zurich. He graduated in Medicine and Neuroscience at the University of Cape Town before moving to the MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit in Oxford to research the anatomy and biophysics of the neuronal circuitry of cerebral cortex.
As Visiting Associate, and then Visiting Professor at Caltech, he extended his interests in neural computation by simulation of neocortical circuits, and also by their emulation as neuromorphic electronic systems. In 1996 he and Kevan Martin established the Institute of Neuroinformatics in Zurich. He is a co-founder of the neurotechnology spinoff ‘iniLabs’.

Dan Hammerstrom
Dan Hammerstrom received a BSEE degree from Montana State University, the MSEE degree from Stanford University, and the PhD EE degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He was an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at Cornell University from 1977 to 1980. In 1980 he joined Intel in Oregon, where he participated in the development and implementation of the iAPX-432, the i960, and iWarp. He joined the faculty of the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the Oregon Graduate Center in 1985 as an Associate Professor. In 1988 he founded Adaptive Solutions, Inc., which specialized in high performance silicon technology (the CNAPS chip set) for image processing, neural network emulation, and pattern recognition. He returned to the Oregon Graduate Institute in 1997, where he was the Doug Strain Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department. He joined Portland State University in 2005 as Associate Dean for Research in the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science and Professor in the Electrical and Computer Enginering Department. From 2012 to 2016 Dr. Hammerstrom was a Program Manager in the Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) at DARPA.
He is now a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Portland State. Dr. Hammerstrom holds a joint appointment in the IDE (Information, Computation, and Electronics) Department at Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden.
Dr. Hammerstrom is a Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and has been an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, the Journal of the International Neural Network Society (INNS), and the International Journal of Neural Networks.
He has authored over seventy research papers and eight book chapters, and holds seven patents. Dr. Hammerstrom has been a Visiting Scientist at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden and the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View California.

M. Anthony Lewis
He is an expert in bioinspired robotics, neuromorphic engineering, machine learning and computer vision. His interests also include applying deep learning to financial markets (market trading guided by broad economic factors). He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California.

Bruno Olshausen
Olshausen is Professor of Neuroscience and Optometry and Director of the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at UC Berkeley. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in Computation and Neural Systems from the California Institute of Technology. He did his postdoctoral work in the Department of Psychology at Cornell University and at the Center for Biological and Computational Learning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Olshausen’s research aims to understand the information processing strategies employed by the brain for doing tasks such as object recognition and scene analysis.

Avery Wang
Shazam Entertainment,
Founder and Chief Scientist
Avery Wang
He has over 20 years of industry experience designing high-performance multimedia signal processing systems for the consumer market and is the principal inventor of Shazam’s recognition algorithms and other key technologies. Avery holds graduate degrees in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics from Stanford University, with a PhD at CCRMA on Auditory Source Separation. He also studied Computational Neurosciences on a Fulbright scholarship to Germany.

Pascal Weinberger
Telefonica Alpha
Pascal Weinberger
He has used most of his time and focus so far to dive deep in the field of computational Neuroscience and Machine-Learning, with the long term goal of bringing these two worlds closer together, e.g. rebuilding the algorithms of the neocortex, while on the way leaving his footprint with global impact projects which are leveraging the immensely growing power of technology and data.
He has done multiple research projects together with renowned institutes like the DFKI and the Max-Plank Institute of Neuroscience. After joining Numenta in early 2014, he worked with Google[x] in the Brain Group on a couple of R&D projects in this space. After having led his own R&D Strategy and Implementation Consulting firm, he has now joined Telefonica Alpha as a to build Moonshot projects, while still actively investing and advising Startups. He is also Leader for Kariossociety and engaged with Endeavour.

Elie Bienenstock
Brown University,
Associate Professor
Elie Bienenstock
He received an M.Sc. degree in mathematics from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1975, a Diploma in engineering from the ENST in Paris in 1977, and a Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Brown University in 1980. From 1980 to June 1991, he was a researcher with the French CNRS in Paris. He has been at Brown University since 1991, as a visiting professor until 2000, and then as an associate professor of applied mathematics and neuroscience.
His research interests lie in theoretical neuroscience, computational vision, and computational linguistics. He studies the mechanisms used by brains to create and work with complex, detailed, hierarchical representations of the external world.

Gabriele Peters
Head of Human-Computer Interaction,
University of Hagen
Gabriele Peters
She studied Mathematics with minor subject Psychology at Ruhr-Universität Bochum and received her diploma degree in Mathematics in 1996. Since 2010 she is a full professor for computer science at the University of Hagen and heads the Chair for Human-Computer Interaction. Her research interests include interactive systems, computer vision, image & scene synthesis, cognitive systems, computational neuroscience, new media art, and machine consciousness.
For her work on the perception of 3D objects at the Institute for Neural Computation at Ruhr-Universität Bochum she received the doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) from the Faculty of Technology of Bielefeld University in 2002. After that she worked on computer vision, computer graphics, intelligent systems, and machine learning for vision applications as a postdoctoral research assistant at the Chair of Computer Graphics of TU Dortmund University.
During two stays in 2004 and 2005 as a visiting professor in the Computational Vision Group at the California Intitute of Technology in Pasadena she collaborated in the development of new techniques for the generation of photo panoramas.
In 2007 she took over a position as a research professor at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, where she headed the Visual Computing Group until 2010. She serves as reviewer for international conferences, journals, and research funding organisations and is involved in numerous committees and boards.
She is author or coauthor of almost 100 scientific publications. Besides her scientific work Gabriele Peters is active since 20 years as photographer as well, with numerous participations in national and international exhibitions.

Theodor Baums
Institute of Law and Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
Theodor Baums
Theodor Baums J.D., Bonn 1975; LL.D. Bonn, 1980; habilitation, Bonn, 1985; qualification as a taxation lawyer 1978. Assistant professor at the Institute for Business Law, University of Bonn, 1977-1985; professor at the University of Muenster 1986-1987; visiting professor at U.C. Berkeley, 1990-1991, at the University of Vienna, 1992, at Stanford CA, 1995, and at Columbia/New York in 1999.
In 1987, he joined the faculty of the School of Law of the University of Osnabrueck/Germany where he has founded the Institute for Business Law in 1992. From 2000 until 2006 he was the director of the Institute for Banking Law at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main and has founded the Institute for Law and Finance where he now serves as a member of the executive board. From 2006 until 2011 he had the endowed chair for Civil and Business Law at the ILF. From 2013 until 2015 he was senior professor at the Faculty of Law at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main. Since 2008 he is associated professor at the University of Luxembourg, since 2014 Member of the Advisory Committee at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance. Since 2015 he is distinguished fellow at the Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS).
Theodor Baums has worked as an advisor to the World Bank in 1992-1995. Prof. Baums has in the last years frequently advised the German Federal Parliament on questions concerning company and securities market regulation and was a member of the Federal Government`s commission on takeover regulation 1999-2000. Until July 2001 he served as the chairman of the Federal Government´s Commission on Corporate Governance and Company Law Reform.
He was a member of the advisory board of the German Capital Markets Supervisory Agency; advisor on corporate governance issues to the Vorstand of the Deutsche Bundesbank; member of the advisory board of the EC Commission on company law; member of the European Model Company Law Group. He is a member of the German Corporate Governance Code and member of several advisory boards of private companies, of national and international scientific societies, fellow of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) in Brussels and editor of several scientific journals. Since 2017 he is Of Counsel at SZA Schilling, Zutt and Anschütz.
Theodor Baums has given numerous lectureships in Europe and in the U.S. Areas of current scholarly interest are corporate governance, corporate finance and capital markets. He has more than 140 books and articles on corporations, civil and antitrust law. He has been awarded the Order of Merit 1st class of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2006 and Dr. Michael Endres Prize of the Hertie School of Governance in 2017.