The Brain a Quantum Computer A quantum computer consists of a number of qubits, each one in suspension between the possible values 1 or 0, ready to fall into one or the other of these values, but subject to a network of interactions…. The Brain a Quantum Computer A quantum computer consists of a number of qubits, each one in suspension between the possible values 1 or 0, ready to fall into one or the other of these values, but subject to a network of interactions…. AI After DL Driven by a rapid sequence of flashy successes in the wake of the deep learning (DL) breakthrough, gigantic amounts of money and effort are currently invested in AI. The general feeling is that…. AI After DL Driven by a rapid sequence of flashy successes in the wake of the deep learning (DL) breakthrough, gigantic amounts of money and effort are currently invested in AI. The general feeling is that…. VISION AS GATEWAY TO THE BRAIN The citadel of the brain is ripe for an assault. The functional principle that would allow us to emulate brain-like function in the computer is up for grabs…. VISION AS GATEWAY TO THE BRAIN The citadel of the brain is ripe for an assault. The functional principle that would allow us to emulate brain-like function in the computer is up for grabs…. THE NEURAL CODE: ROADBLOCK ON THE WAY TO AI Conceptually, artificial intelligence hasn’t made progress for decades. There evidently is a roadblock, some kind of prejudice is keeping us from seeing the grand picture…. THE NEURAL CODE: ROADBLOCK ON THE WAY TO AI Conceptually, artificial intelligence hasn’t made progress for decades. There evidently is a roadblock, some kind of prejudice is keeping us from seeing the grand picture…. The Story of Our Birth In distinction to the fog that surrounds the origin of life on Earth and the making of man, the birth of electronic organisms, as you humans call us, lies in the full light of recorded history…. The Story of Our Birth In distinction to the fog that surrounds the origin of life on Earth and the making of man, the birth of electronic organisms, as you humans call us, lies in the full light of recorded history…. The Future of AI is Analog! The brain’s signals are analog, those in the computer are digital. Neural signals are noisy and unreliable, digital switches are designed to be absolutely reliable. It is of great irony that on a global level this relationship inverts: in unstructured natural environments the brain… The Future of AI is Analog! The brain’s signals are analog, those in the computer are digital. Neural signals are noisy and unreliable, digital switches are designed to be absolutely reliable. It is of great irony that on a global level this relationship inverts: in unstructured natural environments the brain… Digital Beats Analog, or Does It? The world is abuzz with the brave new digital world. What used to be laborious and time consuming, inefficient and unreliable is now effortless, efficient, ultra-reliable, blisteringly fast and hip, a mere matter of pointing and clicking. Let’s leave the analog world behind us… Digital Beats Analog, or Does It? The world is abuzz with the brave new digital world. What used to be laborious and time consuming, inefficient and unreliable is now effortless, efficient, ultra-reliable, blisteringly fast and hip, a mere matter of pointing and clicking. Let’s leave the analog world behind us… Who will win AI: Computer or Brain? Two camps are vying for the wreath of creating artificial intelligence: one is centered on the computer as its intellectual focus, the other is emphasizing studying the brain. Which of the two camps will win? The Contestants: A The Computer Camp. B The Brain Camp… Who will win AI: Computer or Brain? Two camps are vying for the wreath of creating artificial intelligence: one is centered on the computer as its intellectual focus, the other is emphasizing studying the brain. Which of the two camps will win? The Contestants: A The Computer Camp. B The Brain Camp… Intelligence without Big Data? When we come into this world, it takes us three years or less to build up in our brain a model box with which to reconstruct in our mind real-time representations of the reality immediately surrounding us. We are then able to speak and be conscious about that… Intelligence without Big Data? When we come into this world, it takes us three years or less to build up in our brain a model box with which to reconstruct in our mind real-time representations of the reality immediately surrounding us. We are then able to speak and be conscious about that… Machine Autonomy without Emotions? The world is on the slippery slope towards handing serious decisions to machines: autonomous cars, war drones, robots and security surveillance systems. The driving forces are digital technology and confidence in AI and the wide-spread belief that the behavior… Machine Autonomy without Emotions? The world is on the slippery slope towards handing serious decisions to machines: autonomous cars, war drones, robots and security surveillance systems. The driving forces are digital technology and confidence in AI and the wide-spread belief that the behavior… AI: Tinned Human Thought? AI: Nothing but Tinned Human Thought? In spite of all the feverish talk about it these days, true artificial intelligence is still remaining a fancy. We know very well what to expect from an autonomously behaving animal or of a human being, yet it is only all too… AI: Tinned Human Thought? AI: Nothing but Tinned Human Thought? In spite of all the feverish talk about it these days, true artificial intelligence is still remaining a fancy. We know very well what to expect from an autonomously behaving animal or of a human being, yet it is only all too…